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NEMA Premium Severe Duty Motors

GP Castiron Standard

Energy Saver SD
Cast Iron Frame

GP Aluminium motor

Energy Saver SD
Aluminum Frame


Energy Saver SD

The Energy Saver NEMA Premium Efficient design meets CSA-Motors and C-390, UL-Component & Insulation System Recognition and CE mark for the 320 frame and smaller.


Five-year warranty is standard for cast iron frame motors. This comprehensive warranty program covers both mechanical and NEMA Premium efficiency performance (60 months operational/66 months maximum from shipment). Aluminum frame motors have a three year warranty (36 months operational / 42 months from shipment).


  • Meets NEMA MG1 table 12-12 premium efficiency.

  • Inverter Duty per NEMA MG1-31, suitable for variable torque loads of 10:1 and a constant torque load of 5:1 and constant HP 1.5:1

  • Dual mounting holes to accommodate short and long frame dimensions. The aluminum frame has adjustable feet to accommodate different mounting orientations.

  • A recessed steel-reinforced neoprene slinger minimizes entry of contaminants.

  • Exceeds 1000 hour salt spray test per ASTM B-117.

  • IP-55 enclosure meets the enclosure requirement of IEEE 841.

  • Suitable for Division 2 environment • Chevron Grease SRI #2 (Polyurea).

  • 26,280 hours L10 bearing life without life adjustment factors on belted loads.

  • All 2 pole motors are vibration tested on a rigid base yielding smooth reliable operation.

  • Patented bearing cooling system for TEFC motors eliminates the need for water cooled thrust bearings.

Energy Saver Cross

Energy Saver Cast Iron Brochure

Energy Saver Aluminum Brochure

Energy Saver Close-Coupled Brochure

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